Mental Health Month Terrarium Workshop Evaluation

Your Age Group 你的年齡組別(required)

Are you a Community Flower Studio Member?您是社區花藝工作室會員嗎?(required)

If not, would you like to receive information on how to become a member? 如果沒有,您想收到有關如何成為會員的信息嗎?(required)

For Q 1 – Q 5, please rate your response to the statements below on the scale with ‘1’ rating unsatisfactory and ‘5’ excellent.

請用 ‘1 – 不滿意’ 和 ‘5 – 非常好’ 來評價您對以下陳述的回答。

1. The general organisation of the Workshop (required)

2. The materials provided at the workshop generally(required)

3. The figurines provided for various themes (required)

4. The instructions given in the handout. (required)

5. Sharing experience with other participants.(required)

Part B Your general experience in the community 您在社區中的一般經驗

1. Before the COVID-19 Pandemic, how often do you attend events at City of Sydney (e.g. VIVID Festival, NYE Fireworks, CNY Parades, Dragon Boat Races etc.) ?在 COVID-19 新冠 疫情之前,您多久會到悉尼市參加各樣活動呢?(例如:繽紛節日、新年煙花、農曆新年大遊行、龍舟賽等)?(required)

2a. How much did you embrace Australia’s multiculturalism and ethnic diversity before today’s activities?在今天的活動之前,您對澳大利亞的多元文化和種族多樣化概念接受有多少呢?(required)

2b. How much do you think you will embrace Australia’s multiculturalism and ethnic diversity in the future? 您認為您未來會在多大程度上接受澳大利亞的多元文化和種族多樣化概念呢?(required)

3. How connected were you with the community in general in your local area before the COVID-19 lockdown?在 COVID-19 封鎖之前,您與當地社區的總體聯繫如何?(required)


a. Please post any photos/videos onto the Facebook Page of Community Flower Studio Inc. to share today’s experience with us.

請將任何照片/視頻發佈到 Community Flower Studio inc. 的 Facebook 頁面上。與我們分享今天的經驗。

b. Please follow us on Instagram: communitfylowerstudio and Facebook. Please also LIKE our posts.

請在 Instagram 上關注我們:communtfylowerstudio 和 Facebook。也請LIKE我們的帖子。

Thank you! 謝謝!